SNEAK PEEK AUDIO LEAK: Symphony Number One

by Maggie Stapleton

Second Inversion presents new and unusual music from all corners of the classical genre… and we mean NEW. Sneak Peek Audio Leak is your chance to stream fresh sounds and brand new music of note with insights from our team and the artists.


Symphony Number One is Baltimore’s newest chamber orchestra dedicated to performing and promoting substantial works by emerging composers. Led by Music Director Jordan Randall Smith, Symphony Number One brings together great composers of the past, virtuoso performers of the present, and the leading compositional voices of the future.

Their new album, more, is released on December 16 but we’re thrilled to offer a Sneak Peek Audio Leak of one of the selections: The Promised Burning by Andrew Posner.


Inspired by the Sabbath poems of writer and activist Wendell Berry, it’s a musical representation of man-made environmental destruction and the profound grief that future generations will feel en masse when the effects of this destruction are painfully obvious. It is a call to awaken from the delusions that we are separate from the Earth and that its resources and ecosystems are expendable tools in our fruitless attempts to satisfy our greed.

The album features music by two other young, talented composers. Timelapse Variations by Natalie Draper and Light Cathedral by Jonathan Russell round out this sophisticated third album from an ensemble with a very bright future ahead.

583f1e9470a81L-R top – Natalie Draper, Jonathan Russell;
L-R bottom: Andrew Posner, Jordan Randall Smith

Second Inversion at New Music Gathering

Second Inversion’s Maggie Stapleton will be at the 2nd annual New Music Gathering in Baltimore (January 7-9) and can’t wait to shake physical hands with those of you who are going. Tweets and likes are great and all, but… real high fives, hugs, applause, and glass clinks? Even better!

She’ll be distributing snazzy, swaggy SI pins & magnets… and…

Bring your CDs! (1)

…because we thrive on the new music community participating in our content creation, you can:

1) Be a guest DJ! How? Record some 30-60 second bites about your favorite pieces of new music. Maggie will be armed with this SONY recorder at all times and would love to capture your voice!

2) Bring your recordings (CDs, Dropbox links, etc) to Maggie for airplay consideration on Second Inversion.

Are you going to #NMG2016? Leave us a comment below to let us know!