Sonic Textiles: Saturday, Nov. 20 | 9pm

The vibrant woven textiles of Ghana inspired the title of pianist William Chapman Nyaho’s album Kete. Photo by Lee D. Baker.
by Maggie Molloy

Like any great work of art, a piece of music comes together one stitch at a time.

This Saturday on Second Inversion: Sonic Textiles. Join us for music threaded with vibrant color, texture, and pattern. From quilts to needlework and woven tapestries, we’ll hear from artists who explore the very fabric of music. Composer Gabriela Lena Frank traces the vivid threads of her Peruvian heritage, Ghanaian-American pianist William Chapman Nyaho explores the mesmerizing rhythm of the loom, and Caroline Shaw stitches together a musical patchwork quilt.

To listen, tune in to KING FM on Saturday, Nov. 20 at 9pm PT.

Music from William Chapman Nyaho’s album “Kete” is included in this week’s episode.

Musical Postcards: Saturday, Nov. 13 | 9pm

by Maggie Molloy
French cellist Vincent Segal and Malian kora player Ballaké Sissoko are featured in this episode.

The best trips are the ones you just can’t wait to write home about. You send a postcard saying, “You’ll never believe what I saw, did, touched, and tasted while I was exploring this new place…”

On this Saturday’s episode of Second Inversion, we’re exploring musical postcards. We’ll hear composers’ impressions of new and familiar places. From the Amazon jungle to the Arctic tundra and the rooftops of Bamako, Mali, we’ll hear musical snapshots from all around the world.

To listen, tune in to KING FM on Saturday, Nov. 13 at 9pm PT.

Autumn Leaves: Saturday, Nov. 6 | 9pm

by Maggie Molloy
Photo by Kylir Horton.

Picture yourself under a canopy of changing leaves: golden orange and bold, beautiful red. The air is cool and crisp, you’re bundled up in a hat and scarf.

On a cold autumn evening, there’s nothing like going for a long walk under the trees, a mug full of spiced wine in-hand, just taking in the sounds of the season. On this Saturday’s episode of Second Inversion: autumn is in the air. We’ll hear music inspired by crunching leaves, cool, crisp winds, and the colors and flavors of fall.

To listen, tune in to KING FM on Saturday, Nov. 6 at 9pm PT.

Spooky Music: Saturday, Oct. 30 | 9pm

by Maggie Molloy
Bernard Herrmann’s Psycho film score is among the featured works in this week’s episode.

Monsters and witches and werewolves, oh my! The spooky season is upon us—and nothing sets the scene for All Hallows’ Eve quite like some ghostly music.

Let us provide the soundtrack for your Halloween haunts. On this Saturday’s episode of Second Inversion, we’re exploring the music of ghosts, goblins, and things that go BUMP in the night. Listen along as we visit a musical Frankenstein, spend a night at the Bates Motel, dance with an army of skeletons, and step inside a composer’s nightmare.

To listen, tune in to KING FM on Saturday, Oct. 30 at 9pm PT.

Dracula: Saturday, Oct. 23 | 9pm

Christopher Lee as Dracula in the 1958 film.

Vampires never die—and there’s one in particular who keeps coming back to bite us.

When Bram Stoker first penned the immortal tale of Dracula back in 1897, even he probably couldn’t have imagined the coffin he was opening. The vampire novel has spawned over 200 movie adaptations, not to mention theatre, TV, literature—and of course, music.

On this Saturday’s episode of Second Inversion, we’re sinking our teeth into the music of Dracula. We’ll explore four spine-chilling Dracula film scores, from the haunting to the hypnotic—and the just plain scary. Plus, the story of one actor who took the role of Dracula to the grave…literally.

To listen, tune in to KING FM on Saturday, Oct. 23 at 9pm PT.